? ??????????????Sunflowery Days? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (3 Ratings)??118 Grabs Today. 2663 Total Grabs. ?
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Friday, April 2, 2010

Super Declan!

When Declan turned 3 we took him to fly in the wind tunnel at IFLY in Ogden. He was a little scared but he sure looked cool! :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sometimes sweet, sometimes sassy...


pictures taken by Anniemations Photography.

Playing in the snow!

New Years Celebration

Nana and Papa's house for New Years Eve! Lots of Wii playing, eating, piggy back rides and fireworks!

Past couple months...

Spongebob marshmallow stick for breakfast! What the heck...it's Christmas!

Christmas Eve at Alpine church service

Playing with new toys!

I have done a terrible job at keeping up on my blog. I have taken on a new job recently and it has kept me busy. I've also had my hands full with a spunky, no-nap taking, almost 3 year old little boy who wears me out at the end of the day! But my new years resolution is to do better at blogging many more moments of Declan's life. So here are a few pics of the past couple months...and there will be a lot more to come!