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Thursday, May 28, 2009

The TERRIBLE two's!

No...it's not a myth...Yes...it really exists. The terrible two's have possessed our sweet little boy! It's ripped through our home like an angry tornado. Be afraid...be very afraid!!! Lurking behind the doors of the McAlhany home is a tantrum throwing, cat tail pulling, nekked dancing, no nap taking, crayon wall artist, chocolate milkaholic, into everything, danger seeking, non-sharing, master of the tv volume control, crazed Britney Spears "Womanizer" fan who makes his mother drive to the bank just to get him a sucker whenever he wants one. Can you tell who wears the pants in the family? It's our son...Declan. I'm at the library every week trying to find new books to help me cope, and help me fight back against this little 2 foot tall monster!! Of course, I can't let him see my fear...I am the boss. I am the mother. I giveth the sucker, therefore I can taketh away! ....right? Underneath that little two year old terror...there is a sweet boy. I've seen him! He gives me hugs and kisses and smiles to melt anyone's heart. We just have to get through this "mine! mine! mine!" stage and transform our son back into the thoughtful, giving, loving little man we know he can be. Wish us luck!!!!!!


Jen S. said...

Oh my goodness!! You are the best story teller! I'm sitting here LOL at all the terriorism! I think I'll drop Lukey off at your house when he turns 2 because you will be experienced by then! JK! Good luck!!

EricksonFamilly said...

Wow what a great post I loved the way you told it. The only thing I have to say is for some reson mine never with through the T2 it was more like the T3. I don't know what's better 2 or 3. Good luck!!!!

Sky S. said...

LOL nice! I really wish I could say that it gets better, but really you only hit the terrible 3's and then 4's. I have finally figured out when my mom says oh the "insert next age" will be better she is just trying to make me feel better. It is all worth it in the end!

fairchildfamily said...

You tell the best stories; you are so quick witted! When you figure how to tame a 2 yrs od, pass on the advice for my sweet little 2 yr old monster! The you can write and publish a book and becmome a milonaire!!!