? ??????????????Sunflowery Days? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (3 Ratings)??118 Grabs Today. 2663 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????What a Day? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??103 Grabs Today. 2661 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Sp BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finally! Some time to blog!!

It's Thursday, my day off from work and I'm finally able to sit down and do some bragging...I mean, blogging! :)
My little baby is becoming such a little boy! He is a little sponge these days soaking up so much information it's incredible! He is saying words that I don't even know where he learned! Today he was watching me clean up and said "Bumbo". He pointed to his little bumbo chair which he doesn't even use anymore so how would he know what it's called? He must have remembered from a few months ago when he used it more often.
Other words he is now saying..."rock," (he loves to collect them) "purple", "cukoo", "Elmo", "plane","swing"...and he loves to say the word "Apple". He is constantly asking for an apple but when I give it to him he doesn't want it. So I think he is just showing off by repeating the word over and over. Yeah, we get it Declan...you're Mr. Smarty pants! :)
Although I am loving this stage where he is learning so much, it's also exhausting. He is into EVERYTHING. He pulls open bathroom drawers and brushes his hair with my hairbrush...but also pulls out deoderent sticks and pretends to brush his hair...lol. In less than 2 minutes our bathroom can look like a tornado hit it! Declan still isn't walking but he is now standing up by himself (without having to hold on to something) so we think he is getting close! His favorite thing to do is to push his "la-la" which is his way of saying "Lion." It's his first word in the morning and last word at night..."la-la". He also says "car" at least 82 times a day!!! And if he doesn't get to go outside to push his lala around he throws the world's biggest tantrum. And sobs "lala"...it's heartbreaking but sometimes a mom needs a break you know? :)


Anonymous said...

That's so cute. :D
lalalalalala. I'm gonna say it now, too. :D

Anonymous said...

I love how you called blogging bragging. I sometimes think twice before I post something for this reason, but post anyway, LOL! Blog or brag... they will love to read it when they grow up.